It would appear that Tesla is trying to manage expectations when it comes to the production launch of their highly anticipated Cybertruck. A recent earnings call, like many before it, included an update on the Cybertruck’s timeline and when to expect it to be mass produced. While it appears the all-electric truck will roll off an assembly plant floor this year, it won’t see big production numbers until 2024. Technically it’s not a delay, which we’ve become accustomed to seeing, but it’s not an exciting announcement to give or receive, especially if you’re one of the millions of folks with a pre-order on tab.

Image via Tesla.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla (and Twitter, and SpaceX), shared in the company’s 2022 end of year earnings call that, we shouldn’t “overhype” the launch of the Cybertruck. He went on to say that it isn’t the start of production that should have everyone excited, rather the start of full volume production that should have everyone giddy. That would imply the Cybertruck will creep along in production at the very beginning, much like the GMC Hummer EV, except, the GMC Hummer EV has paused all production to upgrade its factory. The Tesla Cybertruck is being produced at a completed Factory in Austin, Texas, which saw its grand opening in early April of 2022.

Image via Tesla

Tesla’s target goal of 2 million vehicles sold and delivered for 2023 has been reduced to 1.8 million. Most of Tesla’s production slow downs, like many other manufacturers, come from a list of global phenomena in recent years such as the pandemic, the chip shortage, and conflict in Ukraine, to name a few. While things are looking upward, finally, and refinements in things like the Cybertrucks windshield are coming along, Musk says the company needs to be realistic when it comes to sharing possible and future production numbers. That being said, unless you were first in line for a pre-order, 2024 might be the year you can finally take delivery of your all-electric Cybertruck.

Image via Tesla.

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