Grenell Reacts: 'Madman' Kurti's Unilateral Decision To Create Instability With The Banking System Sparks International Concern

Let’s begin with the facts: Kosovo is not an EU member, and the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue remains unresolved. However, breaking news last week revealed that the Kosovo Central Bank made a decision to suspend the Serbian dinar and adopt the euro as the official currency.

This is not the first time that Kosovo’s PM Albin Kurti has made unilateral moves, surprising both the EU and the US.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić shared details of his conversation with Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien regarding Pristina’s decision to eliminate the dinar in Kosovo. Vučić also hinted at ongoing consultations on this matter in the days ahead.

The Pavlovic Today asked Patel on Monday what steps the US is going to take to prevent the Kosovo Central Bank from suspending the Serbian dinar. However, Patel did not have an answer and mentioned that he will “have to check back on that. Let me check with the team and I’ll get back” to The Pavlovic Today.

Richard Grenell, former Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo under Trump, reacted to the question raised by The Pavlovic Today at the press briefing.

“More unilateral moves to create instability from Albin Kurti – this time with the banking system,” stated Grenell on X. “The Biden Administration has approved giving this madman Javelin missiles – it is akin to creating another war. Congress should stop it immediately,” he noted. “Kurti has proven to instigate conflicts – which is why every single international organization, including NATO, has condemned his past actions.”