Matt Miller Responds Regarding How The US Plans To Compel Kosovo's PM Kurti To Halt Unilateral Actions Against The Serbs

The Serbian dinar shipment carried by the British company Henderson has been banned again today in Jarinje by Kosovo police, despite the promise of a “transition period” by PM Albin Kurti.

The Pavlovic Today asked Matt Miller, Blinken’s press secretary, on Wednesday about the course of action the United States will use to compel Albin Kurti to retreat.

The Pavlovic Today: We say in this room that the words of the US matter, but despite this, Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has not been responding to words of the USA to suspend his decision immediately. You even had James O’Brian going on the record yesterday sending a message to Kosovo, but nothing happened. So, beside words, what other tools do you intend to use next to compel Kurti to stop with his unilateral actions, given that, in the end of the day, this is the question that concerns the US taxpayers?

Matt Miller: I will say that we will continue to engage in diplomacy to resolve this matter. And we want both sides to return to the EU-facilitated dialogue, and beyond that, I don’t want to preview any specific steps from here.

The Pavlovic Today: Blinken is in Albania tomorrow. Will he try to ask PM Edi Rama to help try to reason with Albin Kurti?

Matt Miller: Let me just say, whatever the Secretary tells Prime Minister Edi Rama, I think I’ll wait, let him say privately to them. He does have a press conference in Albania afterwards, where he’ll talk about that meeting.