'Contrary to some reports': Journalist says recent rumours about FSG are simply not true at all

There is set to be lots of change taking place at Liverpool over the course of the next few months.

With Michel Edwards and Richard Hughes confirmed to be arriving, the Reds are ready to put in place a new structure in regards to their football operations.

And with Jurgen Klopp leaving, a new manager will bring a fresh outlook, too. Things could start to look a whole lot different at Anfield.

Part of that change will also reportedly see Liverpool owners FSG look to acquire a new club to run. Edwards has seemingly been brought back in primarily to look after that side of things. Click here to read some suggestions of which clubs FSG may potentially target.

Although there’s nothing concrete at all yet, one club has now been definitively ruled out of the process.

Photo by Clive Mason/Getty Images

FSG not planning Ligue 1 raid

Probably owing to the fact that the club is owned by minority Liverpool stakeholders RedBird Capital, rumours have surfaced that FSG could snap up French side Toulouse.

The Violets showed their potential at close quarters this season, beating Liverpool in the Europa League.

As a big-ish but possibly underperforming club in a sizeable French city, you can see why Toulouse might be attractive to Liverpool’s wily owners.

But according to journalist Dave Powell on X, there’s simply no truth to reports that the Ligue 1 side will soon fall under the FSG umbrella.

“Contrary to some reports, FSG not looking at acquiring Toulouse. No talks held. None planned,” Powell writes.

That’s that then. Unless anything drastic happens, don’t expect Liverpool to be picking up the likes of Thijs Dalinga on favourable terms any time soon.

Who could Liverpool target instead

There have been suggestions that FSG are very interested in exploring the South American market, and Brazil in particular.

However, it seems virtually certain that for their first venture into multi-club ownership, John Henry and co will aim to stay in Europe.

That doesn’t narrow down the search too much, as there are thousands of viable clubs FSG could go after. One such operation could be the team newly acquired by Liverpool legend Sadio Mane.

Mane recently took charge at French fourth division side Bourges Foot 18. They may be lowly, but Mane has big plans for the minnows and will attempt to take the best African talent to France via his club. That could be an interesting project. So too, would Toulouse, although that is not going to happen.