Ask Amy: She wants to be a stay-at-home girlfriend but we can just barely pay our expenses

Amy Dickinson

DEAR AMY: I’ve been with my girlfriend “Crissy” for almost two years. We live together and are in our mid-20s.

We have both been working and have been able to pay our expenses and even save a little money toward getting a better apartment.

Crissy quit her job just before Christmas because she felt the environment was toxic and she basically hated her job. I don’t blame her for hating her job – at all. I would have hated it, too.

Unfortunately, she quit before she had looked for a new job and now it is over three months later and she hasn’t looked at all. We have gone through our savings and I can just barely pay our expenses.

Crissy now says that she would like to be a “stay-at-home girlfriend.” She doesn’t want to work.

I am not sure what to do.

Any ideas?

– Tired Boyfriend

DEAR TIRED: We all want to be a “stay-at-home girlfriend.” But life does not work that way.

“Chrissy” is not a good partner to you. Furthermore, she doesn’t want to be a good partner to you. I think it’s time to break up.

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

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