Dear Abby: She gave me a chair, I had it reupholstered and now she wants it back

Dear Abby, written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, answers a question about being given a chair, reupholstering it and then being asked for it back.

DEAR ABBY: Four years ago, a former friend, “Karla,” offered me a nice oak side chair of hers. Karla said she had no use for it and assured me she wouldn’t want it back. I accepted the chair and have used it since then.

When it was given to me, the back cushion was missing and the seat cushion was hard. After a couple of years, I bought nice fabric and had the chair repaired and reupholstered. It cost me $175. If I had thought the chair was on loan only, I wouldn’t have done that. I sent her a pic of the finished improvements, and she replied that it looked nice.

A year later, she abruptly ended our friendship. She was angry with me because I had confused her airport arrival time and she had to wait an hour. Twice I apologized profusely, but Karla has not responded. (That was 14 months ago.)

Ten days ago, I received a text from one of her friends, telling me Karla wants me to return the chair she “let me borrow.” The friend wanted to know when I could deliver it. I’m completely taken aback. She GAVE it to me! What is your take on this pickle? -- BAFFLED IN TEXAS

DEAR BAFFLED: Ignore the text. If Karla wants the chair returned, she should ask you herself. If she does, and if you agree to it, be sure she repays IN CASH the money you spent to have the chair refurbished.


Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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