Mobile zoo brings animals to Wisbech care home to spread cheer to residents

A mobile zoo came to a Fenland care home to spread some cheer.

Guinea pigs, chickens and lizards came to visit residents at Rose Lodge care home in Wisbech.

The visit was thanks to Michelle’s Animal Therapy and Petting Zoo, who bought the animals for residents to interact with.

Residents from Rose Lodge Care home got to spend time with a number of animals

General manager at Rose Lodge Megan Jones said: “Our residents have really enjoyed their unusual visitors today.

“We knew that having the mobile zoo here would be a bit of fun for all our residents, especially as some find it difficult to go on many outings in our minibus.

“We are always looking for new activities for the residents and today we have seen the enjoyment and the therapeutic influence animals can have on people.”

Resident Richard was very excited by the animals’ visit. He said: “The bearded dragon was very interesting and I also enjoyed holding the rabbit!”

Rose Lodge care home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers.

Rose Lodge provides residential care, nursing care and dementia care for residents from respite care to long term stays.