Why you should regularly check your belly button is clean, especially if you have pets

While a smelly belly button indicates poor hygiene and other conditions that need a doctor’s attention, there’s another alarming reason why you need to check your navel often.

For the unversed, the belly button is said to host a range of bacteria and dirt contributing to its foul smell.

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Why you should check your belly button

The belly button is among other areas where ticks are commonly found. You must look underneath the folds in your navel often, especially if you’re exposed to grassy and wooded areas or have pets at home.

While a tick bite only causes a small bump, it can be severely allergic, and certain types can pass diseases to animals and humans.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes, that once a tick gets on your body, it’s likely to migrate to the inside of your belly button armpits, groin, hair, back of your knees, and around your waist.

If you ever find a tick on your body, you must first remove it and clean the area thoroughly with an antibacterial cleanser or ointment.

Don’t forget to bring the tick with you while seeing a doctor as it’ll be sent to the laboratory to determine if it’s carrying any pathogens.

Several diseases can be transformed by a tick bite, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, and ehrlichiosis.


Advice to everyone watching this video: always check your bellybutton for ticks #ticks #foryoupage #fyp #fypシ

♬ original sound – chloemtorres

You should always clean your navel

As we said earlier, belly buttons are a breeding ground for bacteria. If the area is left untouched for a long time, there will be an accumulation of dirt, dead skin, bacteria, sweat, and even the products you use while showering and after.

Not only will you have a funny-smelling bell button, but you may also develop a navel stone, known as umbolith.

The stone is usually black and firm resembling a blackhead and can be removed using a Q-tip. However, if it’s lodged deeper in your belly button, a doctor’s intervention is needed to get rid of it.

You can prevent belly button stones by cleaning the area regularly with just plain water and a Q-tip.