Sheffield Wednesday quartet now set to be 'assessed' ahead of Stoke amid potential boost - journalist

Sheffield Wednesday have some key injuries ahead of their Championship clash vs Stoke City on Saturday.

For Sheffield Wednesday, the last few months and in particular the last few weeks have been strenuous.

The Owls’ every fixture is a cup final and the stresses of their survival bid is taking its toll on everyone, with players now dropping like flies.

After another long-haul Championship campaign, Sheffield Wednesday are starting to suffer on the injury front.

Sheffield Wednesday injury latest

Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images

Danny Rohl remains without the likes of Juan Delgado, who’s been missing for the bulk of the season now, but he’s seen Kristian Pedersen return to action in the last week, along with Callum Paterson.

The latter put in a spirited performance in the 2-2 draw vs Norwich City in midweek.

But the game vs Norwich also saw some key first-team players absent; namely Di’Shon Bernard, Marvin Johnson, Ian Poveda, and Ike Ugbo.

But speaking ahead of the game vs Stoke City, Rohl gave journalist Joe Crann a vague update on the quartet, saying that they’re all due to be assessed:

Why Sheffield Wednesday fans shouldn’t get their hopes up

At this stage of the season, and down near the foot of the table, Rohl and Sheffield Wednesday have to be cunning.

Rohl won’t want to give away his tactics for the weekend clash vs Stoke City as it’ll no doubt work into Stoke’s favour.

If Potters boss Steven Schumacher doesn’t know what players Rohl has available then it makes it harder to prepare for the game.

The shape could change as well as the personnel, with Rohl not afraid to experiment with new formations.

One man walks into the starting XI vs Stoke City

Photo by Nathan Stirk/Getty Images

Regardless of who’s injured and who’s not, one player arguably walks into Rohl’s starting XI against Stoke City; Paterson.

The Scot showed all that’s great about him against Norwich; work-rate, energy and power, and genuine quality too.

Paterson is a dangerous player wherever he plays on the pitch and in such a testing time, someone with his traits and his experience is vital.

Where he starts remains to be seen, though.

Rohl could deploy him at left wing-back again or maybe as a left winger, but expect Paterson to be very much knocking on the door for a staring spot.

Kick off vs Stoke City is at 3pm on Saturday.

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