The Advertiser found out people’s opinions as Newark Cycle Race is called off for 2024

In its weekly voxpop, the Advertiser found out what people think about Newark Town Centre Cycling Race 2024 not going ahead.

The event organiser, Chris Lawrence, has announced that the event due to take place in July will not see its third year.

The event, hosted by Newark and Sherwood District Council for the past two years, costs £30,000 to run for an afternoon and evening.

People around Newark shared their dissatisfaction with the cancellation of the event and the current lack of events and life in the town centre.

Jonathan Doughty said: “The Tour of Britain brought a lot of people into town, despite being a different event it is a shame.

“These events bring people in just like the duck race did a few weeks ago.”

Kevin Mitchel said: “It is disappointing. I don’t know much about it because I don’t race but if we have events that bring people into town and it is all helping fitness and fresh air, then I think those things should be promoted rather than being cancelled.”

Julie Roberts said: “It is a bit sad because it brings a lot of people in and a lot of tourists and Newark needs it at the moment, it is like a ghost town.”

The event has taken place before on a Friday, a chaotic day in terms of traffic, adding to the situation with street closures.

Some businesses have also reported to have suffered as a result of the traffic disruption on the day.

Friends Jackie Manger and Janice Woodward said: “It is a shame really because it brings people into the town, it is interesting and something else for the people of Newark to enjoy.

“It is a shame.”

Dorothy Taylor said: “This is another loss for Newark, they cancelled this one, the half marathon, what is next? The festival?”

Chief executive, John Robinson at the district council said that they will consider alternative ways to fund and organise the race in future years or something similar within the same goals.