What Amanda Staveley and Mehrdad Ghodoussi said to journalists straight after Newcastle beat Tottenham

Newcastle United proved a point when they beat Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday.

It was like watching the Newcastle United of last season, with the Magpies showing the kind of intensity that dragged them into the Champions League. It was an intensity that has been missing for large parts of the campaign, with injuries preventing them from playing at their physical peak.

But Eddie Howe’s side were rampant on Saturday, blowing Tottenham Hotspur to win 4-0 and embarrass them at St James’ Park for the second season in a row.

The win has lifted Newcastle United up to sixth in the Premier League, while there is even an outside chance of us finishing as high as fifth. For that to happen, we would need a lot of results to go our way. But our fixtures are much more favourable than Tottenham’s, who sit 10 points above us with six games to go.

European qualification suddenly looks a lot more likely, especially given the fact we were clinging on to a place in the top half not so long ago. There was talk of Newcastle missing out on Europe altogether, and questions were being asked of Eddie Howe.

Newcastle answered a lot of critics with display vs Tottenham

He answered all of those questions on Saturday with a tactical masterclass, and Howe will be delighted with the way his team have responded after what was a really challenging winter period.

Co-owners Amanda Staveley and Mehrdad Ghodoussi are also delighted, and The Athletic’s George Caulkin has shared what they told reporters shortly after the Magpies’ 4-0 win over Tottenham Hotspur on the latest episode of the Pod On The Tyne podcast.

Photo by James Gill – Danehouse/Getty Images

What Amanda Staveley and Mehrdad Ghodoussi told journalists on Saturday

“I think they have been stung by some of the criticism this season, whether it’s been from Newcastle fans or media or pundits or outside,” he said.

“There was a funny moment, I won’t use the exact language.

“Amanda Staveley and Mehrdad Ghodoussi came down afterwards to speak to the manager and the players, as they often do. They have to walk past the journalists who are standing there waiting for players.

“They kind of said words to the effect of ‘we’re not so bad are we’.”

The wheels never really fell off for Newcastle

While results and performances earlier this season were not good enough, it felt more like a blip than the end of the road.

Inevitably, there were debates about Howe’s future from the media, while some players were questioned by fans and pundits.

Some of the criticism was perhaps unfair, but it comes with the territory. As fans, we react to what we see in the moment, rather than taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.

But in truth, the reasons for Newcastle’s winter demise were clear for all to see. The injury crisis had grabbed a hold of the squad, to the point there was no way out. It still feels like that is the case, with so many key players out injured.

And the volume of games meant a lack of time on the training ground, resulting in the players not being quite as prepared as they should be.

Newcastle proved a point on Saturday

But Saturday proved how good this team can be when they are coached. That performance against Tottenham would not have happened if they had not had a full week on the training ground.

A lot has been said about Newcastle dropping off this season, using it as a stick to beat the Magpies with. But what they achieved last year was special – if anything they overachieved. This campaign has obviously been a lot tougher, but the signs are there to suggest that Howe still has this club heading in the right direction.

There will always be noise and discontent after bad results, but the win over Spurs really did prove that we are not so bad after all.

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