Everton have just dropped a brand-new Bramley-Moore Dock stadium update with key fan centre progress

Everton, amongst a season otherwise laden with horrors, has managed to retain one sole shimmer of light throughout.

The Bramley-Moore Dock stadium construction has taken astronomical strides throughout this campaign, having turned from rough infrastructure into an actual home for the Toffees to play in.

It feels like they are just a few finishing touches away from completion, despite that actual date being far later in the year.

This latest update only reaffirms such a notion.

Latest Everton update for the new stadium

Published just earlier today, fans often clamour to soak up brand-new offerings from the actual club regarding the new stadium.

After all, despite what various drone users might be able to capture through their unofficial but equally stunning footage, they simply cannot compete when it comes to behind-the-scenes updates and actual notes about progress.

Everton’s X account provided this update, in which they gloss over key features such as the external glazing, trees planted in the periphery, digging up the pitch and, arguably most importantly, the new fan centre.

They go into slightly more detail on the official website: ‘The spacious new facility, located in the east corner of the south stand, is undergoing preliminary fit-out, as can be seen in our latest stadium video.’

This only reinforces the designer’s desire to make this a stadium that the home support can be truly proud of, as one made to enhance the fan experience.

Could Everton sell the Bramley-Moore Dock stadium?

Despite the overwhelming positivity this new stadium has provoked, there still remains a lingering undertone of a damning possibility that might occur.

This has only been further reinforced by recent reports, with one suggesting that 777 Partners had a last-gasp ‘rescue’ plan with which to continue funding the club which included selling the Bramley-Moore Dock site.

Photo by Tony McArdle/Everton FC via Getty Images

This would be catastrophic, and effectively mortgaging the club’s long-term future in order to satisfy the present.

Barcelona did similarly when they sold an accumulated 25% of their TV rights for the next 25 years, whilst they sat £1.35bn in debt.

It marks a desperate move for a club financially underwater, and one the Toffees should never seek to make.

Otherwise, there would have been no point in moving.

Photo by Visionhaus/Getty Images

This departure from Goodison Park has been long-awaited, but not desperately desired. The outstanding reason for it is the commercial opportunities it could open up in the future, finally allowing them to compete with the top-earning clubs.

Selling that would be suicide.