28% voter turnout recorded in Newark and Sherwood for Police and Crime Commissioner and East Midlands Mayor elections

Just 28% of the district’s voters headed to the polls yesterday, to elect the Police and Crime Commissioner and a regional Mayor.

Newark and Sherwood District Council finished verified the results of the May 2 elections yesterday evening, it announced on Facebook.

26,849 votes were received for the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner election — representing a turnout of 28.44%.

A 28% voter turnout was recorded by Newark and Sherwood District Council. Stock image

The candidates were Conservative Caroline Henry, Labour’s Gary Godden and Liberal Democrat David Watts.

The Police and Crime Commissioner role involves holding the Nottinghamshire Police Chief Constable to account for policing performance, and setting the force’s priorities and budget.

There were 26,877 votes received for the East Midlands Combined Authority Mayoral election — a turnout of 28.47%.

It is the first time an election has been held for the position, after the creation of the new combined authority in a £1.14bn devolution deal.

The candidates were Frank Adlington-Stringer (Green), Ben Bradley (Conservative), Alan Graves (Reform), Matt Relf (Independent), Helen Tamblyn-Saville (Liberal Democrat) and Clare Ward (Labour).

Votes are being counted today, with the winning candidates expected to be announced later today.