Newark and Bingham MP, Robert Jenrick to host Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Summit in Newark alongside operational leads such as Nottinghamshire Police and Newark and Sherwood District Council

Residents are invited to share their views as Robert Jenrick MP hosts a Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Summit this month.

The will take place on Thursday, May 23, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, at a venue in Newark.

It will be a chance for the public to meet with, and question, operational leads for policing, crime and anti-social behaviour.

Nottinghamshire Police. Stock image

It comes off the back of a well-attended event at the YMCA in Newark last November and another meeting in Bingham this February.

It is unclear whether the newly-elected Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Gary Godden, will attend at this stage, although his predecessor Caroline Henry previously co-hosted the summits alongside the Newark MP.

Those interested in attending are asked to register by emailing,, and including their full name and address

The exact location of the event will be disclosed to registered attendees 24 hours before the start of the summit.