Thatcham Town faced with 250 mile away days to Cornwall, after FA decision which could “jeopardise” ability to “sustain our club”

Thatcham Town Football Club have appealed against the FA’s decision to move them to a new division, which Chairman Paul Ayres says would “jeopardise our ability to participate and sustain our club”.

The switch from the Isthmian League South Central to the Southern League South Division would see a drastic increase in travel for the club’s players and staff.

Before, the Kingfishers’ longest trips would be to the outskirts of London, but now they’re faced with mammoth trips to Falmouth and Penzance, with four opponents in Devon and three in Cornwall.

Manager Yashwa Romeo was concerned at the prospect. “I had a look, it’s quicker to get to Liverpool than Penzance! It’s not just for us, it’s for them too”.

Thatcham manager Yashwa Romeo

In an official statement on Saturday evening, the club announced that they had “submitted an appeal”, whilst being “deeply disappointed by the FA’s announcement”.

Thatcham would be forced to deal with rising travel costs, having to travel an approximate total of 4492 miles for away games, an increase of 110% from last season and the equivalent of driving to Aberdeen and back four and a half times.

“As a grassroots club, our budget does not account for such significant increases”, said Ayres.

“The increase in travel time will affect our players and management who often balance work and family commitments alongside their passion for football.

“This move could force some players to choose between their livelihood, family responsibilities, and their commitment to the club, leading to a potential loss of dedicated players”.

Romeo added, “it’s the midweek games. You’re asking players to leave work three hours early.

“We were the furthest West in the last league, now we’re the furthest East.

“It makes it difficult for recruitment. Last year we did brilliantly with that. It would be a shame just to throw it away.

“I was in the process of calling players last week, but now I have to readjust. I don’t know where I am. We’ve done our job and we feel like we’re penalised”.

The longest away trip, to Mousehole near Land’s End, would usually take anywhere between four and five hours by car. With a game to play in between, Thatcham could realistically be faced with a twelve hour away day unless they pay for pricey accommodation.

Ayres voiced concerns that some players may consider the demands too much, with many forced to choose between their love of the game and a healthy lifestyle.

“Longer travel times mean more time away from families, increased strain on their work commitments, and a higher risk of burnout”.

Romeo said that the club had reaffirmed their support for him, whilst declaring that he would lead Thatcham next season either way.

“They’ve given me reassurances. They’re going to support me. Regardless of whether we go into that league, I will stay on.

“It’s a league which I don’t think is anywhere near as strong. We’ve got a good chance of being in and around the playoffs. If.. If! We keep the current squad”.