‘It sounds daft’: Pundit reckons ‘strong’ Everton player would actually be really good for Arsenal

Arsenal have been linked with so many strikers in recent times.

The Gunners have reportedly been looking at everyone from Ivan Toney to Dominic Solanke, but, interestingly, there’s one striker who the Gunners were constantly linked with at one point who is no longer making such headlines.

Indeed, at one point, Dominic Calvert-Lewin was seen as a top option for Arsenal, but over the past 18 months or so, those rumours have died down.

Speaking on The Game Football Podcast, Gregor Robertson has been discussing the idea of Calvert-Lewin going to Arsenal, and he says that he thought the Everton striker would be a great fit for the Gunners when watching their final-day clash last week.

Photo by Tony McArdle/Everton FC via Getty Images

Dominic Calvert-Lewin would be great for Arsenal

Robertson spoke about the ‘strong’ Everton striker and a potential move to the Emirates.

“I actually watched this the other day and I thought ‘imagine a fit Dominic Calvert-Lewin in that team.’ I know it sounds daft, but when he’s fit and he’s at it,” Robertson said.

Calvert-Lewin is a handful

Say what you will about Calvert-Lewin’s recent form, but when he’s at his very best, he’s a problem for any defender in the Premier League.

He’s fast, he’s powerful and he has an incredible leap, he can cause all sorts of issues when he’s fit and firing, and when he’s playing with confidence, he’s a great finisher too.

Unfortunately, we’ve not seen the best of Calvert-Lewin for quite some time now, but perhaps a change of scenery and a move to a club like Arsenal would do him the world of good.

Arsenal aren’t likely to sign Calvert-Lewin off the back of what have been three underwhelming seasons for the England international, but perhaps if they did roll the dice on him, he’d be just what the doctor ordered at the Emirates.