Enborne’s ‘Poors Field’ solar farm is approved

The controversial solar farm planned for Enborne got rubber stamped at last night’s (Wednesday, May 22) western area planning meeting of West Berkshire Council.

At a packed hearing the planning committee made a unanimous decision to support the application.

The farm will be built on the ‘Poors Allotment’ field held for the community by the Enborne Parish Field Charity, with a historic purpose to provide fuel/energy for the local residents.

The solar farm will be community owned and managed through Calleva Community Energy, a not-for-profit community benefit society.

Residents will benefit from community funds generated.

The farm will act as an active learning site for the Newbury College renewable energy students and local schools will be invited to make educational visits.

Sam Dibas, who chairs the Enborne Parish Field Charity, said: “This was a historic day for the West Berkshire district.

“We have the first planning approval for a community solar farm.

“We look forward to generating clean energy and working with Calleva, Newbury College and other schools to provide a great educational venue.”

In moving the approval, ward member Tony Vickers (Lib Dem, Hungerford and Kintbury) emphasised the importance of delivering on their plans to deal with the climate emergency, albeit on a small scale, for the benefit of future generations.

The plans include measures to improve the biodiversity of the land.

There are also surface water mitigation measures through a series of swales, and wildflower planting.

The applicant claims this will help the beleaguered Spring Gardens residents who have historically suffered from poor drainage and flooding on their estate, which lies below the field.

Dozens of residents had objected to the scheme.