Dear Annie: How do I get over my irritation with things that I find, well, irritating?

Annie Lane, known as Dear Annie, answers a question about getting over things that irritate you.

DEAR ANNIE: Can you help me get over my irritation with things that I find, well, irritating? Things like people who look up into space while they talk, as if pontificating great wisdom for the masses. I just want to snap my fingers in their faces and say, “Hey! I’m down here!” Or people who talk with their hands, even while driving! I’ve noticed more and more talking heads on TV with this habit. I wish the cameras would only shoot them from the neck up!

And speaking of TV, is there some sort of contest among women as to who can have the longest hair cascading down their right shoulders? And what’s with their high-pitched little girl voices?

I find myself seeing these mannerisms more and more, and becoming more and more irritated with them. I don’t believe I’m an intolerant or judgmental person ordinarily (you can spot one a mile away, after all!), but I guess I am. Help, please. -- Intolerant

DEAR INTOLERANT: It’s normal to have pet peeves, but persistent irritation with things of this nature is not. Ultimately, getting yourself so worked up over things you can’t control only hurts you more than it does anything else.

Reflect on what these annoyances might really be about for you. When you notice yourself feeling annoyed, try redirecting your focus to something positive or use humor to lighten your perspective on these human quirks. Make an active effort to show grace for others. Life is far better lived with empathy, understanding and compassion than criticism and judgment.

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