Report: How some Wolves employees feel about decision to raise season ticket prices as fan pressure mounts

Many Wolves fans are very angry at the moment after the decision by the club last week to hike season ticket prices.

Wanderers have raised season ticket prices for the past six years, but these latest increases have left many supporters disgusted.

The club are pricing out fans of all ages, with the average increase being around 17%.

As a result of the decision to raise season ticket prices by Wolves, a petition opposing it was started that has now acquired over 12,000 signatures. It has been sent to the club along with an open letter, but there has been no response from the club.

Fans simply cannot believe the temerity of the club to demand such prices, given the loyalty they have shown through tough times.

It is shocking, and even some employees are not comfortable with what is going on…

Some Wolves employees are questioning decision to significantly raise season ticket prices

Photo by Robbie Jay Barratt – AMA/Getty Images

This story is getting bigger. Big corporations like ITV and the BBC have run stories on this decision from Wolves, and fans are being given platforms on TV to air their frustrations.

There remains fury on social media, with even fan groups of other clubs throwing their backing behind the Molineux faithful and their efforts to be heard.

Momentum is really starting to gather now, and the hope is that eventually the club will rethink their decision.

Even some people who work for the club are seemingly hoping to see that happen.

The Mirror have reported this morning that, privately, ‘it’s not stopped certain members of the club hierarchy asking whether a rethink is needed’.

It isn’t too late, Wolves

From the sounds of this, it could be that the gravity of what Wolves have done here is dawning on those within the club.

It is important for Wolves fans to keep pushing on this, because eventually the pressure could prove too much for the club and the right decision will be reached.

It is a huge shame that Wolves haven’t just seen sense and acted immediately. This exercise has opened a lot of people’s eyes as to how they are actually viewed by the club, and it will take a lot of work to change people’s perceptions from here on in.

But the club must rethink their decision regarding these season ticket price hikes, and then get to work on rebuilding fan relations.