Installation set to arrive in Sudbury to support energy grid upgrade plans

A major piece of energy transmission infrastructure will arrive in Sudbury this week to help pave the way for a planned regional power line reinforcement.

National Grid confirmed that a large super-grid transformer will be delivered to an under-construction grid supply point (GSP) sub-station off the A131, south of Sudbury, overnight between Saturday and Sunday.

The 178-tonne equipment – transported by a specialist vehicle, under police escort – will form a key component of the site between Butler’s Wood and Waldegrave Wood, to help power local homes and businesses.

National Grid confirmed that a large super-grid transformer will be delivered to an under-construction grid supply point (GSP) sub-station off the A131, south of Sudbury, overnight between Saturday and Sunday

The GSP sub-station, which received planning approval in October 2022, forms part of National Grid’s proposed pylon reinforcement between Bramford in Suffolk and Twinstead in Essex.

The wider plans are awaiting a decision from the Secretary of State later this year – but National Grid explained that constructing the sub-station now means that the rest of the reinforcement can be built sooner, if approved.

Adam Richards, senior project manager at National Grid, said: “The delivery of the supergrid transformer is a significant milestone in the construction of the grid supply point sub-station.

“By carrying this work out now, we can reduce the amount of time it takes to build the rest of the Bramford to Twinstead reinforcement, if approved.

“Our team continue to work closely with the police and the local highways authority to minimise the disruption caused by this activity.

“We appreciate the co-operation and understanding of the local community while this work takes place.”

The convoy transporting the super-grid transformer is due to arrive at the site at around 5am on Sunday.

Motorists planning to travel along the A131 are advised to allow additional time for their journey, or use alternative routes.

Temporary parking restrictions will also be in effect in the vicinity of Forge Veterinary Centre in Halstead to enable safe passage of the delivery vehicle.