‘People around him said’: Alasdair Gold shares what he’s heard Lucas Bergvall will struggle with at Tottenham

Lucas Bergvall is set to arrive at Tottenham this summer, and this looks as though it could be a very exciting addition to the Spurs squad.

The Swedish midfielder has received rave reviews since agreeing to join Tottenham, while the fact that Barcelona were in for him showcases what a talent he potentially is.

However, at the age of just 18, Spurs supporters shouldn’t get too ahead of themselves with this young man, and he may well struggle to adapt in the same way many young players arriving in the Premier League can.

According to Alasdair Gold, speaking on the Gold and Guest Talk Tottenham Podcast, people close to Bergvall have urged caution in terms of how he will adapt, claiming that it may take six months for the midfielder to get to grips with the Premier League.

Gold says that he’s been told Bergvall won’t have issues in terms of on the ball quality, but the pace of the game in the Premier League may come as something of a culture shock to the young man.

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Lucas Bergvall could struggle with the pace of the Premier League

Gold shared what he’s heard about Bergvall and his initial arrival at Tottenham.

“The people around him said to give him about six months as the adaptation period. With the ball there will be no issues whatsoever, but it will be the pace of the game, that’s the bit we don’t know how he will deal with him. Technically I think Postecoglou is going to love him,” Gold said.

Bergvall may take some time

Bergvall might take some time to get to grips with the Premier League, and, to be honest, that’s to be expected.

The Premier League is faster than almost any other league in the planet, and playing in this league is a huge challenge.

Of course, Bergvall is a talent, and he will adapt in time, but for those first few months, don’t be shocked if the Scandinavian looks a tad out of his depth.