Psychic's essential daily habit you need to start doing to have your 'dream life'

Manifestation believes in the power of achieving desires and a “psychic” claims that you can make your “dream reality” come true using a common household item.

For the unversed, manifestation refers to the practice of thinking or channeling your thoughts to make them come true. Like crystals and water, one daily essential is supposedly a powerful medium.

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How to manifest with a mirror

‘Spiritual Knowledge Speaker and psychic’ Sherry claims in one of TikTok videos that mirrors are a powerful manifestation tool. If there was any truth to her claims, you can achieve your dreams with a certain practice while looking into the mirror every day.

“Using the mirror as a manifestation portal will help your manifestation immensely,” Sherry says. You can look into any mirror – the one in your closet, bathroom, or a handheld mirror – and it doesn’t matter. However, you must ensure your mind is clear while practicing.

You can burn some sage or incense sticks to get rid of the “negative energy” surrounding you before the actual ritual. Then, to manifest, look straight into the mirror and tell yourself everything you want to be, but in the present tense.

For example, if money or wealth is what you’re manifestation, then the psychic suggests saying: “I am a millionaire. I have more money than I will ever need. I never have to worry about bills. I can buy whatever I want.” It would help if you repeated the positive affirmations to yourself while looking into the mirror.

Psychic claims it’s a powerful medium

She goes on to claim that “mirrors” are portals and by telling your reflection what you want to be, you’re “telling each of your dimensional selves that you are abundant and wealthy.”

The positive affirmations, she says, can work for any aspect of life such as beauty, knowledge, and more. Sherry claims the “mirror magic” came true in her life when she manifested a job, which she landed eventually, despite competition from several applicants.

This claim is partly backed by research to understand the impact of positive affirmation on the brain. One study suggests that “self-transcending values and goals may be particularly powerful” in “reducing behaviors associated with ego depletion than affirmation of self-enhancing values.”

Future-oriented affirmations reportedly showed greater activities in certain regions of the brain associated with “imagining positive rather than negative future events.”

“Successful self-affirmation interventions bring together several of these components and our neural data suggest a new way in which these paths may mutually reinforce one another,” the research notes.

Sherry, known as Kye Guidance on TikTok, is a self-proclaimed psychic, who claims to have had a a spiritual awakening in 2019. She uses her social media channels to share content on topics related to spirituality, consciousness, reality, the matrix, and more.

She has also penned a book titled ‘Made In God’s Image: The Fall of Consciousness and The Game of Life’ available on her official website.