Ukraine has no stronger backer than the USA and Joe Biden – the White House

Joe Biden

Kirby was asked if Biden was sending the wrong signal to the world by forgoing the Peace Summit to instead attend a glitzy California fundraising company, The Washington Post wrote.

"Joe Biden supports Ukraine more strongly and fiercely than any world leader," Kirby assured in response.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will attend the Peace Summit in place of Biden due to Washington's desire "to be represented at this table."

Her participation will help demonstrate that "the U.S. is the strongest supporter of Ukraine".

"Regardless of who represents the United States at this summit, it cannot be said that the United States has somehow abandoned its support for Ukraine," he added.

Global Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16

The first Global Peace Summit will be held on June 15-16 in the Swiss resort town of Burgenstock, near Lucerne.

107 countries have confirmed participation in the summit as of June 3, the Presidential Office (PO) reported.

Read also: Who should represent Russia at the Peace Summit in Switzerland – opinion

Russia will not be present at the meeting.

The OP doesn't rule out Russia's participation in future summits, but not at the inaugural meeting of world leaders, Yermak said.

The Swiss Foreign Ministry admitted that the peace process is "unthinkable" without Russia.

The summit is expected to include German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, and other world leaders.

Ukrainian intelligence has reliable information that Russia wants to disrupt the summit, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on April 24.

China refused to participate in the peace summit in Switzerland, Reuters, citing its own sources, reported on May 31. China later officially confirmed that they would not attend the meeting.

Beijing is trying to disrupt the Global Peace Summit scheduled for June 15-16 in Switzerland, Zelenskyy said at a June 2 press conference in Singapore.

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Section: Nation

Author: Дарина Халперина