Ukrainians split: half doubt Zelenskyy fulfilled pre-election pledges

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

A total of 18% believe that Zelenskyy has largely upheld his promises, with a mere 5% claiming he has honored all of them. An almost equal proportion of respondents suggested that the Ukrainian president has delivered on only about half of his promises.

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A total of 50% of respondents said Ukrainian President has fulfilled only a fraction of his promises, with a quarter convinced he hasn't fulfilled any at all.

Among those who believe that Zelenskyy has not fulfilled all of his promises, 50% attribute this to the presence of dishonest and corrupt individuals within the president's team, according to KIIS data.

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Running close behind, with comparable figures (26-32%), are explanations such as the lack of competent aides in his team, substantial meddling from Russia, Zelenskyy's own inexperience, and the undue influence of oligarchs.

A total of 9-14% of respondents cited reasons such as Zelenskyy's personal corruption, foreign interference, opposition efforts to destabilize, and the impracticality of his pledges.

The survey, conducted from May 16 to 22, 2024, used computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) with Ukrainian citizens aged 18 and older. A total of 1,002 respondents from areas under Ukrainian jurisdiction took part.

The margin of error for this sample remained within acceptable bounds: 3.4% for figures near 50%, 3.0% near 25%, 2.1% near 10%, and 1.5% near 5%.

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислава Топоркова