Park life for Wisbech care home residents

Staff and residents from Rose Lodge care home, in Wisbech had a fantastic time visiting Wisbech Park Pavilion where they all enjoyed the first glimpse of this month’s warmer weather.

Residents and staff had a brilliant time taking a stroll around the park and enjoying tea, coffee, and cake from the on-site café.

Activities co-ordinator, Jane Ritchie, said: “We absolutely love being able to take our residents out and about to visit the park pavilion, it makes us so happy to be able to access venues like this. It has been a fantastic day and we’ve all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.”

Staff and residents from Rose Lodge enjoyed a visit to the new Wisbech Park pavilion.

Elizabeth, a resident at Rose Lodge said: “The Park was just a short ride in the minibus and was such a lovely place to enjoy our drinks and just watch the world go by.”