Hollywood star admits she 'doesn't enjoy living' as she battles incurable condition

American actress Christina Applegate heartbreakingly revealed she “doesn’t enjoy living” after her multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

If you’re a fan of comedy, there’s a 99.999% chance you’re a fan of Christina Applegate. The 52-year-old Hollywood legend is known for such TV shows as the classic sitcom Married… With Children and the more recent and darkly humorous Dead to Me. Along with roles in the likes of Anchorman and Bad Moms—only scraping the surface of her oeuvre—she’s also been a much-loved actress in the world of movies. Tragically, you may have felt her absence on screens in recent years following her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2021…

Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for Netflix

Christina Applegate has opened up about suffering ‘fatalistic’ depression

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong condition that affects the brain and nerves, causing a range of symptoms including spasms and depression. Since her diagnosis, Christina has struggled with navigating symptoms which have left her in an extremely dark place.

Speaking on an episode of her podcast MeSsy which was recorded last year but released this June, she confessed to her co-host Jamie-Lynn Sigler that she’s been caught in “A real, f**k-it-all depression… like, a real depression, where it’s kind of scaring me too a little bit because it feels really fatalistic.”

Opening up completely, she said: “It feels really ‘end of.’ I don’t mean that, but I’m trapped in this darkness right now that I haven’t felt in probably 20-something years. I don’t enjoy living. I don’t enjoy it. I don’t enjoy things anymore.”

Approaching the heartbreaking subject so transparently, she added that she was compelled to reach out to her therapist and schedule an appointment to help with her mental health.

She called the contact “a big thing” for her, considering she has steered away from therapy since her MS revelation. She feared she would begin crying and never stop if she sought therapy, but ultimately it reached a point where she felt there was no alternative.

Christina said she ‘can’t overcome it’ on a later podcast appearance

It has been estimated that 2.9 million people worldwide currently have multiple sclerosis, so Christina’s open and honest approach to speaking on its effects is sure to resonate with so many who suffer too.

On an episode of Dax Shepard’s podcast Armchair Expert in March, months after Christina’s unflinching podcast episode was recorded, she spoke further about living with MS.

“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life,” she said. “I hate it so much. I’m so mad about it.”

Dax was entirely sympathetic, acknowledging how hard it must be to target depression with a knowledge of the realities of MS. “You can’t overcome it,” Christina explained. “There is no cure, only treatments to help control the condition and ease symptoms.”

Since the MeSsy installment went live, her fans have been more vocal than ever in offering their unwavering support for her during this undeniably difficult time.

If you are affected by any issues raised in the article or would like someone to speak to, please call the Samaritans for free on 116 123. You can also email them at jo@samaritans.org or visit samaritans.org to find your nearest branch in the UK. In the US, please visit Samaritans USA for more information.

You can also contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or text 741741 to get in touch with the Crisis Text Line. Americans can now call or text 988 to reach out and speak to a counselor.

The post Hollywood star admits she 'doesn't enjoy living' as she battles incurable condition appeared first on Celebrity Tidbit.