Doctor reveals 3 easy tests you can do at home to see if you're at risk of heart disease

A cardiac surgeon has revealed three easy tests you can do right now to see if you are at risk of heart disease.

It’s the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for a third of all deaths, and catching heart disease early is key.

Copyright Peter Dazeley

3 simple heart disease tests

On TikTok, Dr Jeremy London said the following three tests will “determine if you are at increased risk for heart disease”.

Cardiovascular disease, also known as heart disease, is a general term for conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels, the NHS explains. It’s usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries and an increased risk of blood clots.

The most common cardiovascular diseases include coronary heart disease, strokes and TIAs, peripheral arterial disease and aortic disease.

1. Waist-to height-ratio greater than 0.5

The cardiac surgeon said the first test you can do is your waist-to-height ratio, which measures how much fat you have around your abdomen.

A ratio over 0.5 suggests that you have excess fat around your belly and is a “clear indicator” that you are are at greater risk of heart disease, the British Heart Foundation reveals.

How to find your waist to height ratio:

  • Find the bottom of your ribs and top of your hips.
  • Wrap a tape measure around your belly at the halfway point between them (just above the belly button).
  • Pull it tight, but make sure it isn’t digging into your skin.
  • Breathe out naturally and note down the measurement in inches or centimetres.
  • Measure your height in the same unit of measurement.
  • Divide your waist by your height.

2. Loss of hair on your lower legs

Another test you can do is check the hair on your lower legs. If you are losing hair on your shin or calf, this can be an indicator of a lack of blood flow to your extremities.

“If you have blockages in your legs, it’s not then uncommon to find blockages in your heart,” Dr London said.

As outlined by the NHS, hair loss on your legs and feet is one of the main symptoms of peripheral arterial disease, where fatty deposits in the arteries restrict blood supply to leg muscles.

3. Swelling in both of your legs

One more sign that you are at risk of heart disease is swelling in both of your legs, which can be a direct indicator that the heart pump is not working properly and has become weakened.

This is one of the main symptoms of heart failure, which is when the heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly as it has become too weak.

“Fluid begins to back up and it collects in places like your lower extremities,” the cardiac surgeon explained.

Other common heart disease symptoms

The symptoms of heart disease vary depending on the exact condition, but the British Heart Foundation lists the main ones as:

  • Chest pain
  • Pain, weakness or numb legs and/or arms
  • Breathlessness
  • Very fast or slow heartbeat, or palpitations
  • Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen limbs

There are several things that increase your risk of cardiovascular disease including smoking, stress, alcohol, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, being overweight, diabetes, ethnic background and age.

If you are concerned about your heart health, speak to a qualified medical professional who will be to advise further.