Tom Holland plays up to the stereotype by meeting crowd of fans while 'rocking a mug' of tea

Tom Holland solidified his reputation as the most wholesome man in Hollywood, as he politely greeted a crowd of adoring fans without spilling as much as a drop of the tea in his mug.

Tom Holland is currently in the midst of a 12-week run on the West End, starring as the co-lead of Jamie Lloyd’s adaptation of the Shakespeare classic, Romeo and Juliet. An ever-growing crowd of adoring fans has been waiting outside the venue for Holland each night, and this week onlookers couldn’t help but notice that the Spider-Man star had his “priorities” in order, as he clasped a mug of tea while waving at the awaiting crowd.

Fans laugh as true Brit Tom Holland clings to mug of tea outside theater

Given it’s something most people will never experience in their lifetimes, one can only imagine it must be quite the rush having hundreds of screaming fans calling your name as you walk out of your workplace.

But for Holland, such a reaction goes hand in hand with a standard day in the office – as evidenced by his casual stroll, mug in hand, when he left London’s Duke of York theater on June 3.

“Tom Holland just casually rocking a mug like it’s part of his costume”, laughed one fan on Twitter (X), as crowds of amused viewers watched the stereotypical Brit prioritize a good cup of tea over everything else.

“I love how at pretty much the end of each show he’s came out with what looks a cuppa tea”, mused another. “Priorities!”.

A third, adoring fan added: “I love Tom Holland and his little ceramic mug”, alongside a crying emoji and a string of love hearts. Us too, adoring Tom Holland fan.

Zendaya joins sold out crowd of Holland stans

Unsurprisingly, Holland’s Shakespeare play has become one of the hottest commodities in London, with fans from far and wide scrambling to get tickets.

And one of the most A-list of the recent attendees was the Challengers star and, more importantly, long-term girlfriend of Mr Romeo himself – Zendaya, much to the delight of the onlooking fans.

Having taken in his performance, Zendaya could be seen rather adorably taking snaps of the leading man, making for yet another instance of everyone’s favorite Hollywood couple being way too wholesome.

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