Former Bottesford restauranteur to open Steak and Curry House at Belvoir Hotel in Whatton

A restaurant owner is expanding his food services into a new and bigger location.

Masood Sarwar, also known as Maz, will be opening the Steak and Curry House on Monday, June 17, within the Belvoir Hotel in Whatton-in-the-Vale.

Maz previously ran Spice India in the Rutland Arms in Bottesford, but recently left after new owners took over.

Owner Maz Sarwar.

“After I left I wanted to stay in this area, so when the hotel contacted me I said we would be happy to be there,” said Maz.

In this new location, Maz will be expanding his food offering, as well as a larger space to serve people.

He added: “We are in a bigger place with a lounge area, waiting area and more seating.

“There is also a massive car park with 70 to 80 spaces.

The Steak and Curry House will be opening in the Belvoir Hotel in Whatton-in-the-Vale.

“There are 30 rooms in this hotel, so these people will need breakfast and dinner.

“There are so many opportunities and I am looking forward to those opportunities.”

Maz believes he will stand out to other restaurants because he offers a “simple curry”.

He said: “Everyone knows me. I have been in the area for nearly 18 years and people love a curry.

“I do a simple curry, just how people like it. A lot of other restaurants do the same sorts of curries but with mine, people can taste my confidence.

“I want the best for my customers and I also have a great team. I am confident we will be able to compete with other restaurants.”

Although Maz’s food has proved popular in the past with surrounding residents, he aims to reach others in neighbouring counties.

He said: “I reckon we can serve the whole of the Grantham area and Nottinghamshire, a lot of my customers are already from there.

“I also hope to do charity events in the future.”

As well as restaurant service, Maz will also be running takeaways.

Belvoir Hotel is located in Grantham Road, Whatton, NG13 9FA.