Kate Middleton 'blamed' for not revealing her cancer sooner - 'She does not deserve this'

Kate Middleton has been forced to deal with a tirade of rumors about her personal circumstances this year, and royal commentator Michael Cole has claimed that the nature of social media is to blame.

Outspoken royal commentator Michael Cole did not mince his words in a recent interview when asked about how Kate Middleton‘s recent health updates have been handled in the press and on social media. When it came to the Princess of Wales being “blamed” for the way she handled rumors concerning her whereabouts earlier this year, Cole blamed the anonymity of the internet for granting “trolls” the freedom to cast aspersions on public figures without repercussions.

Kate Middleton ‘does not deserve’ media circus around health status

Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

In an interview with the Talk TV this week, Cole, a former BBC royal correspondent and PR expert, made his feelings clear about the way Kate has been treated this year.

Having seemingly disappeared from public life at the start of the year, the internet became awash with rumors about the Princess of Wales, until she confirmed in a striking video message that she was undergoing preventative cancer treatment. The host claimed that some people “blamed” Kate for the spreading of the rumors, with some people said to be claiming that she should have made her cancer treatment public knowledge sooner.

Cole was quick to speak passionately about the way the rumors about Kate began to circulate, telling the hosts: “This of course is utterly contemptible, but you and I know that the well of human malice has no bottom… all I can do is condemn these people”.

Discussing Prince William‘s solo presence at the ongoing D-Day commemorative events, Cole added: “I’m sure he (William) misses her, and why wouldn’t she? She’s beautiful, she’s charming, she’s elegant and she certainly does not deserve this and I wish there were sanctions to take against these people.’

“Why would anybody go out there and just be deliberately nasty about somebody they don’t know or her condition, about which they know absolutely nothing? It puzzles me, I deplore it.”

Cole blames social media anonymity

Discussing the reasons why so many rumors can spread so quickly these days, Cole fervently agreed with the host that social media was to blame.

“I’ve always found in life, people who have got time to talk about other people have got no life of their own”, claimed the octogenarian royal expert.

On social media “trolls”, he added: “I’m afraid that that’s the case in many of these instances. But why they’ve got such venom, why they’ve got such malice, why they’ve got, as you say, the word evil – it’s there, because these people wouldn’t have the guts to say it to your face at all.

“They hide away in their sneaky little corners,” he concluded.

At the time of writing, there have been no official updates from The Firm concerning Kate’s condition, with no timeline for her return having been made public yet.

Some royal experts fear we won’t see the Princess until next year.

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