Police who stopped Terrington St John man discovered jar of amphetamine in boot of car

Police who stopped a 50-year-old in West Winch discovered a jar of amphetamine in his car boot.

James Manning, of Main Road in Terrington St John, appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, where he admitted having 90.1g of the Class B drug in his possession.

The court heard from prosecutor Holly Postle, who said the incident took place on November 9 last year.

Manning appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday

Manning had been stopped by police officers, and admitted having a wrap of amphetamine in his pocket.

His vehicle was later searched and a jar containing the Class B drug was found in his car boot. He was subsequently arrested.

In mitigation, Ruth Johnson confirmed that the drugs were for Manning’s own personal use - but he has since stopped taking them after a recent health scare.

“He has had some difficulties and has been diagnosed with a heart condition,” the solicitor said.

“The diagnosis has been a real scare for him and he has given up amphetamine. He is not in a fantastic way health-wise.”

Magistrates fined Manning £80 and ordered him to pay a victim surcharge of £32 and court costs of £50.