Why 'huge talent' chose Ibrox as next destination as Rangers confirm deal

Nils Koppen is working quickly through his shopping list with another signing announced before the transfer window is even open.

Clinton Nsiala will arrive when his contract officially expires with AC Milan with international clearance the only stumbling block before the French born defender arrives at Ibrox to join Philippe Clement’s squad rebuild.

Rangers have pulled off something of a coup in signing such a ‘huge talent’ and someone who had a lot of clubs vying for his signature.

Photo by Gabriele Maltinti – AC Milan/AC Milan via Getty Images

Rangers edge AC Milan as Clinton Nsiala makes transfer decision

Why would a player leave AC Milan to sign for Rangers?

The same reason any player would leave a top five league team to slum it in the SPFL – the chance of more regular football.

With his parting speech on Instagram, Nsiala has shown a touch of class by thank those who got him to where he is today:

“It’s time to say goodbye to this team, I’m doing it after three years of personal and professional growth.

“A team that became family and took me as a child and now leaves me a man.

“A team and a coach who believed in me until the end.

“Speaking of coaching, Ignazio Abate, if I am what I am today besides my feet and my hard work, it’s all because of you who always believed in me and continue to do so.”

According to Foot Mercato, Rangers got in early with the promise of guaranteed first team football despite clubs Italy and Germany circling.

Milan wanted to keep Nsiala and offered him a new contract to stay, however, Koppen has persuaded the left footed defender that by taking a step back he can kick on to the next level.

Nsiala will be used to pressure needed to cope at Rangers

At ‘just’ 6ft tall, Nsiala might not be a traditional, commanding centre-half.

He looks like he has the physicality to cope with Scottish football though with a heading and duel success rate over 60%, but his strongest asset is his passing and ability on the ball.

Rangers centre-halves need to be able to do the basics, they also need to be able to build attacks.

There are few better places to learn the art of defending than in Italy and with a team that demands success.

He might not have been a first team regular, however, as with Rangers, there is a pressure placed on every player who walks through the training ground doors.

Clinton Nsiala isn’t afraid of hard work and if he thought he was having to graft to get this far in his career, he’s about to find out that there are still another few levels to go yet if he wants to become and Ibrox favourite.