‘Top class’: Cody Gakpo says £20m player Liverpool are getting rid of is one of the best he’s played with

Cody Gakpo as played with some incredible players during his career.

At both club and international level, Gakpo has played with some absolute stars.

Gakpo has been lucky enough to call the likes of Virgil van Dijk, Frenkie De Jong and Mohamed Salah teammates throughout his career.

Speaking to JD Football on TikTok, Gakpo has been asked to name the best player he ever played with, and while he couldn’t narrow it down to just one player, he noted that Thiago Alcantara is one of the best he has ever worked alongside.

Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images

Thiago is one of Cody Gakpo’s best teammates

Gakpo spoke about Thiago and his ability.

“Best player I have played with?” Gakpo pondered.

“It is difficult because of every area of the pitch. I played with Virgil at the back, one of the best defenders I have played with. I’ve played with Frenkie De Jong in midfield and Thiago as well, both different players but both top class,” Gakpo said.

Thiago is one of the best

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard something like this about Thiago.

Anyone who has played with the Spaniard can’t speak highly enough of his ability, and it’s fair to say that the midfielder is one of the best players in the Premier League.

However, unfortunately, we haven’t been able to see Thiago showcase his abilities all that often.

The midfielder has been injured for the best part of 18 months at this point, and Liverpool have already announced that he’s leaving the club at the end of this month when his contract expires.

The £20m man could’ve been a genuine Premier League legend if he was able to stay fit and in form, but, sadly these sorts of performances have been few and far between for Liverpool as Thiago has spent more time on the treatment table than on the pitch.