The Hollywood legends that have died this year, including icon from Grease

It might only be June but Hollywood has already lost some of its biggest talents, and while their impressive bank of work will live forever, fans are obviously devasted by their deaths.

After watching Hollywood actors on the TV and cinema screen for years, it’s only natural to feel a personal loss when they die.

Thankfully, fans can be comforted by the knowledge that actors are never really gone thanks to archives of their work. In the modern era, streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime also serve as permanent banks of content going back decades.

Take a look back at some of the enormous Hollywood figures we have already lost in 2024 and the roles that defined them as performers.

Mickey Cottrell was a giant in more ways than one

At the start of 2024, Hollywood lost a legend as Mickey Cottrell’s New Year’s Day death was shared by his sister, Suzie Cottrell-Smith. At the time he had been receiving treatment for Parkinson’s at the Motion Picture & Television Fund in Woodland Hills.

Though most known for appearances in flicks like Hellraiser: Bloodline, My Own Private Idaho, and Star Trek, Mickey made an impression on just about every section of the film industry.

He worked as a publicist for enormous flicks, owned multiple companies, and even produced independent films. A true legend.

Zack Norman was enjoyed by generation after generation

Actor, comedian, and movie producer Zack Norman passed away from natural causes on April 28th at the age of 83.

Zach began his impressive career with a stand-up comedy gig on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson back in 1999. In the decades that followed, the Boston local featured in countless films alongside other legends like Danny DeVito, Michael Douglas, and the late Robin Williams.

Most have childhood memories of Susan Buckner

Whether you know her name or not, we are willing to bet that you’ve seen at least one iteration of Susan Buckner’s Grease character, Patty Simcox. She featured in the 1978 musical as the over-eager cheerleader with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.

News of Susan Bucker’s death hit the headlines on May 2nd, sending social media into mourning as they remembered iconic roles in When the Whistle Blows and Deadly Blessing.

“Susan you made Grease that much more special! We will miss you!” Travolta wrote on Instagram after the tragic news.

Darryl Hickman began his acting career at age 6

Few actors entered the industry at a younger age than Darryl Hickman did; racking up over 40 credits before he hit 20. Sadly, Darryl Hickman passed away at the age of 92.

After an intense childhood, Darryl Hickman stepped away from the humdrum of acting to dedicate his life to religion in a monastery. This too had a shelf life and the former child actor once again joined Hollywood, though this time in a behind-the-scenes capacity.

Richard Foronjy’s career began in prison

At the age of 86, actor Richard Foronjy died, leaving fans who loved his roles as police officers devasted. Ironically, Richard Foronjy’s life started out as the polar opposite of the men he would later play on screen.

For a whopping eight years, Richard was locked up behind bars after being arrested for over 20 crimes including robbery, forgery, and credit card scams. Upon his release, he vowed to turn away from a life a crime.

While some would have hidden their checkered past, Richard Foronjy used his prior experiences to inform performances as cops and criminals in flicks like The Morning After, Midnight Run, and Carlito’s.

Dabney Coleman’s life was celebrated by Dolly Parton

Back in May 2024, Dabney Coleman’s daughter announced that he had passed away at his home in Santa Monica, California, at the age of 92.

“My father crafted his time here on earth with a curious mind, a generous heart, and a soul on fire with passion, desire, and humor that tickled the funny bone of humanity,” she said.

Over his amazing career, which also saw him get close to Dolly Parton, Dabney appeared in feature films like 9 to 5, Cloak and Dagger, Tootsie, and Inspector Gadget.

Glynis Johns lived to 100

On January 4, Mary Poppins actress Glynis Johns died at the age of 100, with reports stating she passed away from natural causes.

“She entered my life early in my career and set a very high bar on how to navigate this industry with grace, class, and truth. Your own truth. Her light shined very brightly for 100 years,” her agent said.

“She had a wit that could stop you in your tracks powered by a heart that loved deeply and purely. Today is a somber day for Hollywood.”

Outside of portraying the iconic babysitter from the Disney classic, Glynis appeared in Miranda, The Court Jester, and The Sundowners.

Anne Whitfield was a Christmas queen

White Christmas actress, Anne Whitfield, died at the age of 85 after an “unexpected accident” while walking in the local park. She passed on February 15 at the Valley Memorial Hospital in Yakima, Washington.

When she wasn’t blowing people away in the Christmas classic, Anne appeared in other throwback flicks like Juvenile Jungle, Cookies Fortune, Tick, Tick, Tick, and The Gunfighter.

Barbara Rush died on her favorite holiday

Easter Sunday was particularly somber in 2024 after the news that The Golden Globe winner Barbara Rush had died.

Her career spanned over 7 incredible decades, featuring in everything from 1951’s When Worlds Collide, to what secured her the Golden Globe, It Came from Outer Space.

The post The Hollywood legends that have died this year, including icon from Grease appeared first on Celebrity Tidbit.