Last minute returns for tonight’s Pub Landlord Al Murray Newbury gig on sale at 10am

‘Pub Landlord’ Al Murray is in town tonight (Tuesday) hosting a terrific evening fundraiser to support the reopening of the historic Old Library, which is being redeveloped by the Corn Exchange as a brand new arts hub for Newbury.

Al Murray

He promises a lively evening of bar-room banter and new material and every penny raised from the event will go towards the fundraising target.

Although tickets quickly sold out, there are now a handful of returns which go on sale at the box office at 10am, in person or by phone: 01635 522733.

Murray will be joined fundraiser on Tuesday, June 25, by sell-out Fringe comedian Ania Magliano (I Can’t Believe You’ve Done This, Pleasance).

The show starts at 7.30pm.

£2.6 million is needed to fulfil the Corn Exchange’s plans to open the Old Library in early 2025, £1m of which has been funded by Greenham Trust for the acquisition of the building, repairs, and conservation.

Support has also been provided by Backstage Trust, Foyle Foundation, Garfield Weston Foundation and Syder Foundation.

The campaign for the Corn Exchange Newbury’s Old Library project will restore the much-loved Cheap Street building into a local arts hub, creating a permanent home for their creative participation work and providing a long-term creative space and community hub.

The Corn Exchange’s creative initiatives focus on improving access to high quality cultural experiences, particularly to improve mental health and to support our older communities and young people.

With their current work taking place in a temporary facility, this spectacular new venue will ensure a permanent space for their engagement with members of the local community and opens up more creative opportunities to all.

To become a Corn Exchange Member and take advantage of priority booking, visit the website at

Tickets range from £31.25 - £36.25