Fitness influencer's 'only trick' to reduce belly fat and it isn't exercise

There’s a reason your belly is hanging out of your clothes despite working out five times a week. A fitness trainer reveals the only way you can fix your appearance.

Belly fat is stubborn. Even if you take up fitness training that focuses on flattening your stomach area, the results aren’t always convincing. If you’re tired of running miles at a time only to weigh the same on the scale, perhaps it’s time you tried a different method.

Fitness influencer reveals the trick to fix belly fat

Are you desperate to get rid of your belly fat? We understand packing a paunch can be unflattering, although dad bod isn’t always despised.

In one of his TikTok videos, fitness trainer Arten Belashiv notes that no amount of exercise can help you reduce belly fat, except calorie deficit.

“Calorie deficit” is possible when you cut down on the calories you normally feed your body to lose weight at a faster rate. The trainer says it holds true for belly fat as well.

None of the exercises, such as cardio or pushups would target fat on your body if you “don’t fix your nutrition.” He says calorie deficit is the answer, before explaining that the number of calories you eat on a daily basis (if consistent), helps you keep your body the way it is.

However, if you reduce your calorie intake by watching what you eat and drink, the body will look for the “missing portion”, and go to the “fats stores” in your stomach.

How much calorie deficit is safe?

Even though calorie deficit is generally considered safe and beneficial for your body, overdoing it can result in other health consequences.

A good thumb rule is to reduce anywhere between 300-500 calories a day. According to Healthline, you don’t experience any symptoms such as chills, fatigue, hunger, etc, when you’re on a healthy calorie deficit.

To find out how many calories you have to reduce to lose a healthy amount of weight, calculate the total number of calories you consume in 10 days, divide by 10, and subtract the total by 500.

Maintaining an active lifestyle with at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity workouts or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise a week is important in addition to watching your diet.

Arten Belashov is a popular fitness influencer and athletic trainer, best known for his videos focusing on exercises you can do at home, that gained province during the pandemic. He boasts over 1.3 million followers on TikTok.