Mysterious noise takes attention away from Donald Trump during debate - 'Thought I was crazy'

Viewers of the first presidential debate of the 2024 election with President Joe Biden are convinced Donald Trump “farted” during the discussion.

Eyes and ears everywhere were on the presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday, June 27th 2024. This year’s election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th, and if both figures are nominated, the US will witness the first presidential election rematch since the 1950s. After the debate took place, on the other hand, many had some unlikely takeaways, including an argument about which of the two was better at golf, and yes, even an alleged fart.

Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Presidential debate viewers convinced Donald Trump ‘farted’

Hosted by CNN, audiences were captivated—to put it politely—by the 2024 election’s first presidential debate. Well past the halfway point, some audiences picked up on a strange sound and have been left convinced it’s the sound of Donald farting.

“Do you notice he never took out my tariffs because we bring in so much money with the tariffs that I imposed on China,” Donald said. “He never took them away, he can’t, because it’s too much money—” but then he’s interrupted by a mysterious sound that people think sounds all too familiar.

“It’s tremendous,” Donald immediately carried on, and Joe started shaking his head in disapproval.

“Donald Trump farted in the middle of the 2024 Presidential Debate and I’m sobbing,” a TikTok user (@thejosephrich) shared as a clip on the platform. He wasn’t the only one to pick up on the sound. Far from it, in fact.

“I heard this and thought I was going crazy,” one commented, another saying, “I thought I was the only one who heard it.”

“It’s the slight pause in his speech for me” one commentator laughed. Of course, it’s speculative, and like a debate, that means there’s room for an opposing view…

Others say it was ‘definitely Biden’ who farted, not Trump

The clip has stirred its own debate in the comments, with some arguing it was Joe responsible for the noise.

“That was definitely Biden,” one commented, “you see the strain followed by the smirk.”

Some have challenged this: “People said it was Biden, but don’t they turn off the mic while one’s talking?”

In answer, one suggested: “They only mute if they get into a back and forth. Trump’s wasn’t muted when he interrupted Biden during a rebuttal.” Meanwhile, another insisted that Donald’s opposition was muted, saying he “ripped one” without question”.

Ultimately, there will never be any concrete way to know for sure, so it looks like there’s only one way to settle this… the US public will have to put it to a vote.

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