Ask Amy: How can I win over my high school crush at our 20-year reunion?

Amy Dickinson, known as Ask Amy, answers a question about winning over a high school crush at class reunion.

DEAR AMY: I had a pretty major crush on “Annie” in high school, but I never acted on it. Our 20th reunion is coming up this summer, and I’m wondering about the best way to act on it now. From Facebook, I see she is planning to attend the reunion and she is single. After a brief marriage, so am I.

I’m wondering about the best way to make use of the limited time I have during the reunion to somehow win her over.

Your thoughts?

— K

DEAR K: If you are connected on Facebook, you could start by sending her a message, saying that you understand she is planning to attend the reunion. Tell her that “Two decades is a lot of ground to cover, but I’m looking forward to catching up.”

At the reunion, greet her warmly, don’t drink too much, and try to discern if she is interested in engaging in conversation. Don’t come on too strong. Be the cool guy.

Reunions can prove to be fertile ground for reviving — or starting — relationships. If she is interested in you, she will demonstrate that by seeking you out. If there is a spark, you can build on that later.

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

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