Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves visits Pangbourne

The Shadow Chancellor says the new Reading West and Mid Berkshire seat is a must-win if Labour is to form the next government.

Today (Friday) Rachel Reeves visited Pangbourne Meadow to meet Olivia Bailey and party activists at the start of the General Election campaign.

She gave a speech to activists setting out Labour’s vision should it win power on July 4.

“The road to Downing Street goes through this constituency. This is a seat we have to win if we are to form the next Labour government,” Ms Reeves said.

“To win the next election, we have changed the Labour Party so that we might have the chance to change our country for the better.

“It is time, after 14 years of chaos and decline. We will spend this election reminding people of the damage the Conservatives have done, including on the economy.”

She said austerity policies had left public services and society poorer, Brexit had caused chaos and Liz Truss’ mini-budget put pensions in peril and sent mortgage rates spiralling upwards.

“We will never let people forget the damage the Conservatives had done,” Ms Reeves said.

“With me as Chancellor, Labour will make sure everything is always fully costed and fully funded because that is the way to ensure our country has the stability in the economy that is needed.”

She also said a Labour Government would get Britain building again, reform the pension system, and launch GB Energy, which the party hopes will create jobs, ensure energy security, bring down energy bills and meet climate obligations.

Of Ms Bailey, she said: “We have some fantastic candidates in a seat that Labour is hoping to win. It really shows that Labour under Keir Starmer there are no no-go areas.

“Labour is fighting hard in parts of the country where we have not been in with a chance these last few elections. We are working to get Labour MPs elected here.

“Ms Bailey lives locally, she’s got two boys at local schools, her dad was a police officer. Already, as the candidate, she’s been fighting hard for the new Royal Berkshire Hospital, and I know she will be a fantastic local representative as a Member of Parliament for Reading West and Mid-Berkshire.”

Ms Bailey said she was grateful for the support from the national party for her campaign.

“It’s been fantastic to have Rachel here, and to have Rachel commit to building the new Royal Berkshire Hospital.

“This is going to be a really close race between me and the Conservative candidate. It’s going to be a really clear choice between five years of more chaos with the Conservatives or a fresh start with Labour and a hard-working local champion.”

On her decision to put herself forward, Ms Bailey said: “I decided to stand because I’m so fed up with everything feeling a bit worse such as public services and the state of our economy.

“I want to stand up and fight for our community.

“I will be a hard-working MP who delivers for people locally if they give me the honour of their trust.”

The new seat fuses parts of the old Newbury, Reading West and Wokingham seats.

Ms Bailey stood in the 2017 general election in the Reading West seat, coming second to Sir Alok Sharma, who is standing down.

Other candidates for the new seat: Ross McKinnon (Conservatives), Helen Belcher (Lib Dem), Carolyne Culver (Green), Kate Bosley (Reform UK) and Adrian Abbs (Independent).