Jill Biden believes US election is about one thing - and it doesn't match Melania Trump

First Lady Jill Biden and her predecessor Melania Trump have offered starkly contrasting opinions about the upcoming election and ‘The Donald’.

With the eyes of the world firmly locked on Donald Trump and his ongoing hush money trial, it’s easy to forget that there’s a pretty important election coming up this November. While the 45th president waits to hear from the jury, current leader Joe Biden is continuing to campaign for a second term in office. And while speaking candidly this week about her husband’s potential electoral opponent, First Lady Jill Biden used one cutting word to describe Trump – offering quite a different verdict on the business mogul than that of his wife, Melania Trump.

Jill Biden summed the US election up in one word

Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Speaking on Wednesday’s edition of The View, the First Lady was happy to clarify her thoughts on the upcoming election.

Referring to Trump, who is set to take the Republican nominee spot (barring any potential legal buffers), co-host Joy Behar said: “The other one (Trump) is doddery, doesn’t remember anything and can’t put a sentence together, and has brain farts in the middle of a paragraph, and they go after Joe.”

Jill went on to defend Joe’s age, claiming that he and Trump are “basically the same age”, before claiming that the entire election came down to “character”, rather than mere policy positions.

When asked to summarize her thoughts on Trump in one word, Jill didn’t hesitate – immediately branding his unique political approach as “chaos”.

“You have two choices,” explained the First Lady. “You have my husband Joe, who you all know, who has integrity, he’s strong, he’s steady, he’s a leader, he’s smart, he’s energetic.

“Or you have chaos”.

Melania Trump sees 2024 differently

Conversely, Mrs. Trump has offered a rather different assessment of her husband’s capabilities, as she suggested the 77-year-old is more than up for the tricky task of a second term.

“I support my husband’s decision to run for president of this wonderful nation,” said Melania to the world back in January.

“His achievements during his administration had a great effect on all of us,” added the Slovenian-American, who claimed a second Trump term would result in “success and prosperity” for the nation.

As if seeking to quash any rumors of marital problems between the pair, Melania added, definitively: “I await the day when my husband returns to lead an America that is characterized by peace, love, and security.”

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