Couples are making Eye Color Bracelets in adorable new relationship trend

An adorable new trend has emerged on TikTok that sees people making eye color bracelets with their significant other.

Wearing something that reminds you of your partner is a special way to always have them with you, and this idea adds a personal touch.

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TikTok’s Eye Color Bracelet trend

Forget engraved rings or locket necklaces, eye color bracelets are the adorable new way to show your love for your boyfriend or girlfriend.

You gather a selection of colored beads and some elastic and make a bracelet that represents your eye colors.

Some are making one each and wearing their partner’s eye color. For example, one bracelet may be all blue and the other brown.

However, others are making two identical bracelets with a combination of both colors, like alternating brown and green beads.

Either way, it’s a cute representation of your love – and a thoughtful, budget-friendly activity to do with your partner one evening.

How to make an Eye Color Bracelet

To make one, you will need to visit a craft shop and find beads that match each of your eye colors. The best way to do do this is by holding it up next to your eyes. You also need to buy some elastic to thread them onto.

Then, choose the design, cut the elastic to the right length for each of your wrists, tie a knot at one end and start threading the beads in a pattern. Once you’re done, tie the two ends of elastic together and you’ll have a bracelet.

The trend comes just weeks after another sweet challenge took over TikTok which saw girlfriends asking their boyfriends if they are a sunrise or sunset.

‘Oh that is just the cutest thing’

The trend has gone viral on social media this month, and people are totally obsessed with the adorable display of love.

One person commented: “Oh that is just the cutest thing ever.”

“My heart just fluttered watching this,” said another.

A third person wrote: “Okay this is adorable.”

“I so badly want to be able to do this with someone,” another added.