Lucas Paqueta FA betting charge sheet recommendation comes to light, and it's a game-changer

The Lucas Paqueta FA betting charge sheet recommendation has just come to light, and it’s a real game-changer.

Lucas Paqueta is currently being charged by the FA for four separate betting breaches during games he played for West Ham.

The West Ham hierarchy are allegedly fearful of a lengthy ban for Paqueta, if he’s found guilty.

It was recently suggested that he could face a multi-year ban, and that would obviously be an absolutely terrible outcome for both him and his club.

Some good news emerged for Paqueta this week, with his place in the Brazil national team set in stone for the Copa America.

The former Lyon star opened up on the current situation he’s going through, when speaking to reporters at a press conference whilst away with the Brazil national team:

Photo by OLI SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images

“This will be the first and only time I will speak about this matter. My lawyers have advised me not to comment on the matter.”

“What I can say is that I continue to do my best, cooperating. My lawyers defend me so that everything is clarified in the end.”

“The decision made me sad but we will do everything to change this decision and cooperate.”

Paqueta is obviously distraught about the current goings on, and that statement stands whether he is guilty or innocent.

The pressure he is feeling right now must be through the roof. However, things have taken a really bad turn overnight, and the future looks incredibly bleak for Lucas…

Lucas Paqueta FA betting charge sheet recommendation revealed

The future looks bleak for Lucas unfortunately. As far as the charges go, there is usually no smoke without fire.

But it’s what could happen if he is found guilty that’s the really worrying thing, for both the player himself and the club.

As mentioned earlier, the Hammers hierarchy feared that Paqueta could be banned for life if found guilty of the charges levelled against him.

At the time, that was a ‘worst case scenario’ kind of concern. However, things seem to have got very real now.

Photo by Alex Davidson/Getty Images

According to a report from the Sun, the FA want to ban Lucas Paqueta for life in an astonishing new claim, after details of the alleged betting scam emerged.

The Brazilian was booked in four separate matches against Leicester in 2022, and Aston Villa, Leeds and Bournemouth in 2023.

It is alleged that sixty people placed bets on Paqueta to be booked in one or all of those matches, with the stakes ranging from just £7 to £400, leading to combined winnings of £100,000.

And now it’s been claimed that the FA charge sheet includes a recommendation that the West Ham star be banned for life if found guilty of the crimes he’s being charged with.

However, Paqueta’s lawyers will apparently argue that the evidence against their client is purely circumstantial.

Whatever case his legal team are putting forward, the latest update is obviously awful news for the former Lyon man, and of course the Hammers.

Hopefully he’s proven innocent and we can all move on. Either we get use of an incredibly technically gifted player for a few more years, or we’d sell him for a massive profit.

However, if Lucas Paqueta is found guilty of the FA betting charges currently being thrown at him, it would be an unmitigated disaster for West Ham financially.

Let’s just hope that the Brazilian has in fact done nothing wrong, and this all blows over very soon indeed. It’s not looking Good though is it?


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