Police arrest N.J. man accused of manufacturing child porn

A Hunterdon County man was arrested last week after he was accused of manufacturing child pornography, authorities announced Friday.

An investigation was launched by the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office after it received a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the office said in a release.

Detectives from the office investigated the tip, with the assistance of officers from the Todd County Sheriff’s Office in Kentucky, the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina and the New Jersey State Police.

Authorities arrested Seth Maguire, 27, of Bloomsbury, on June 21, the office said. The Paterson Police Department also assisted in the arrest.

Maguire was charged with one count of first-degree endangering the welfare of children for “directing child sexual abuse material,” and one count of second-degree endangering the welfare of children for possession of child sexual abuse material, according to the prosecutor. He was also charged with two counts of third-degree endangering the welfare of children for sexual conduct with a child.

No other information was released by the office. A public defender listed as Maguire’s defense attorney could not immediately be reached for comment.

Maguire is being held at the Warren County Jail.

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